About Us

MCCU is run entirely by volunteers, who take a real pride in going the extra mile to provide a fantastic service.  Our members can take a real ‘hands on’ interest in running their credit union – and it keeps our running costs low.

Make an appointment to meet us

We’re really local – to join MCCU, you need to either live and/or work in the Mendip area of Somerset.  This means that we know what’s going on in the area, can respond to local problems and can provide a really personal service.

We’re friendly and helpful – we know that life is not straightforward and we are always understanding when our members come to us with problems (financial and otherwise).   As long as our members talk to us if they have financial difficulties, keep in touch and honour renegotiated agreements, we will not take legal action, unlike many other financial organisations.

We’ve no ‘small print’ to catch you out – there are no penalties for paying off your loan early, renegotiating your repayments or overpaying.

Our volunteer Board is responsible for running the credit union – it ensures that MCCU complies with all the rules and regulations and that we treat all our members fairly. The board members are elected by and report to MCCU’s members. The Board’s member are currently:

Helen Roper (Chair)
Kim Robinson (Treasurer)
Rachel Bodle (Secretary)
Tanya Whittle
Sam Stadden

We love to talk to our members - call our helpline FREEPHONE 0800 6226036, message our textline 07451277825 or drop an email to info@mendipcommunitycu.org.uk

Our Service Points are open at the following times (we’d love to offer more, but need local volunteers):

Wells Library, Union Street, Wells, BA5 2PU – Saturday 10:00-11:00 am

Frome Library, Justice Lane, Frome, BA11 1BE – Saturday 10:00-11:00 am

Glastonbury Library, The Archers Way, Glastonbury BA6 9JB  – Saturday 10:15-11:30 am



“From the beginning we knew if it wasn’t done by volunteers it wasn’t going to happen”

— Sarah

“The fact that it is run by volunteers keeps it in touch with the community it is serving"“

— Jane

“I love the credit union because it is run by volunteers who are part of our community.”

— Graham

Credit Unions

A credit union is a financial co-operative which provides savings, loans and a range of services to its members. It is owned and controlled by the members - the people who use their services, and not by external shareholders or investors. So the emphasis is always on providing the best service to members – not maximising profits.

The first credit union in Britain began trading in 1964 and over the last 50 years, credit unions have grown to provide loans and savings to more than 1.2 million people across England, Scotland and Wales.Credit unions have a proven track record across the world. In fact, 217 million people are credit union members in 105 different countries.

 You can read more about credit unions on:

Moneysaving Expert

The Association of British Credit Unions