The credit union is run entirely by volunteers and we always need more help. Some of the work is specialist, some requires the ability to deal with the public and some is occasional but whatever time you can give will be very gratefully received.
Some of our volunteers have made this video to tell you a bit about what’s involved in volunteering for the credit union, why they do it and why it’s so important.
Our thanks to our bank, Unity Trust and Street Parish Council for the financial support for this video.
Volunteer Roles
It may be that you have a few hours a month or perhaps a day a week. Some of the work is specialist (e.g. dealing with the accounts), some requires the ability to deal with the public (e.g. helping at the service point) and some is occasional (e.g. ‘stuffing’ and delivering members’ statements and newsletters)! Some of the roles can be done at a time to suit you (in your pyjamas, if you like!). And some of our volunteers have used the experience they have gained with MCCU to change their career direction.
If you can spare some time we’d love to hear from you so please complete the form below and you can expect a call from one of our current volunteers to talk to you about your interest.